
The New England Classical Journal is always looking for new reviewers and books to review.

If you wish to become a reviewer, please email the book review editor at , and submit a brief list of your research interests and/or areas of specialization, and we will match you with a book to review.

We warmly encourage teachers, graduate students, non tenure-track and contingent faculty, early-career and independent scholars to review for us, and we particularly welcome suggestions for books covering topics that are currently underrepresented in Classics, books written in languages other than English, books written by authors who hold one or multiple historically marginalized identities, and/or authors who are situated outside Anglophone academia, and especially authors from the Global South.

If you see a book that matches your interests and expertise in the Books Available for Review section of our website, or you wish to suggest a title that is not currently listed, email the book review editor with the title of the book and a brief explanation (1 double-spaced page max.) of why you are interested in reviewing this book and how your own research and work match the contents of the book in question. In this case, we ask that you disclose any potential conflict of interest as detailed in our guidelines.

If you are an author and you would like your book to be reviewed by NECJ, email the Book Review Editor and we will list the book on our website and/or endeavor to match your book with a suitable reviewer.

Since book reviews are crucial to obtaining visibility in the field, we particularly welcome teachers, scholars and authors who are Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latinx, people from the SWANA region and/or people of the global majority, LGBTQIA+, women, first-generation, disabled, neurodivergent and non-native English speakers to publish their book reviews with us or to propose their own books for review, in recognition of the systemic underrepresentation and additional challenges they have historically experienced and continue to experience in the field.

Lastly, the New England Classical Journal welcomes proposals for unconventional review formats, such as collaborative reviews (e.g. if a book covers two different disciplines, it could be reviewed by two experts in the respective disciplines), panel reviews with or without author response, an author’s interview as a form of book review. We are also open to any proposals beyond the examples provided above–if you have an unconventional idea for a book review–we want to hear from you!