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A bibliography of resources available through the Holy Cross Libraries which provide additional information related to the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery exhibition “Gabrielle Thierry: The Musicality of the Water Lilies/La Musicalité des Nymphéas” from Aug. 30 through Oct. 7.

Thierry’s series of eight large-scale paintings were inspired by her rediscovery of the “Water Lilies” landscapes by Claude Monet on view at the the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris. With special permission from the museum, Thierry painted in front of Monet’s originals over a period of 18 months from 2010 to 2012, where she explored the inner musical qualities of Monet’s famous paintings and visually interpreted them in her own. Exploring the perceptual phenomenon known as “synesthesia,” Thierry experienced the musicality she felt embedded in Monet’s semi-abstract impressionist paintings, which she then transcribed in abstract form, translating paintings into colored musical scores.

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bibliography, Cantor Art Gallery, Claude Monet, Water Lilies, Gabrielle Thierry, synesthesia


Cognitive Psychology | Library and Information Science | Musicology | Painting | Physiology | Psychological Phenomena and Processes

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License
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The Musicality of the Water Lilies/La Musicalité des Nymphéas (Library Resources)



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