CrossWorks is the institutional repository for the College of the Holy Cross. As such, CrossWorks serves as an online space used to collect, preserve and provide access to the intellectual, scholarly and creative work of the Holy Cross community.

Members of the Holy Cross community interested in submitting materials should contact crossworks@holycross.edu. Appropriate content may be added following the guidelines below:


  • The work must be scholarly in nature, research oriented, creative or of institutional significance.
  • Student work must be vetted through an established academic department, program or faculty advisor.
  • Contributors may include non-affiliated scholars if they are co-authoring with Holy Cross authors or are affiliated closely with the College, e.g., professor emeritus
  • There is no formal limit to file size or amount of material.
  • Most file formats are acceptable.
  • Some material may be available only to the Holy Cross community.


  • The work must be original, produced or sponsored by a member of the Holy Cross community.
  • The work was completed while the author was a member of the Holy Cross community.
  • The author must hold the copyright to all content and additional components within the work, or have received and shown permission to have the material available on CrossWorks.
  • Except for works produced by and/or for the College or works available as Open Access, the author or representative of the organization or department must sign a permission form prior to material being uploaded to the repository, granting the College the non-exclusive to preserve and disseminate the material via CrossWorks.


Retention of Works

The repository is intended to be a permanent record of works created at Holy Cross. Once a work is deposited a citation will always remain. The College may, without changing the content, convert the digital copy to any medium or format necessary for the purpose of long-term preservation.

Updated versions of content may be posted to replace the current version, but should not be an extensive revision. In such cases, the revision should be deposited as a separate work.

If contributors leave Holy Cross, their work will remain in the repository. Contact information can be updated upon request.

Withdrawal and removal of works

Because the repository is intended to be a permanent record, removing content is highly discouraged. However, authors may request that a specific work be removed. Reasons for removal may include copyright infringement, plagiarism, or falsification of data.

Upon receipt of a request, a member of the Holy Cross Archives & Distinctive Collections staff will promptly acknowledge the request via email or other means of communication, assess the validity of the request, take appropriate action and communicate that action to the requestor, and document the action in the item’s CrossWorks record.


The majority of content on CrossWorks is made available fully open access. In certain circumstances, access to content may be restricted for the following reasons:

  • when an author has opted to restrict access
  • when embargos have been applied

All content is subject to copyright. Except for content described as open access, public domain or bearing a Creative Commons license, or for any other use that is allowed by fair use (Title 17, §107 U.S.C.), material from this website may not be reproduced, republished, posted, transmitted or distributed in any physical or digital form without the permission of the copyright owner.