Papers from 2024
Beyond the Myth: Uncovering Mental Health Research Gaps in Asian American Communities, Maile Sit
Exploration of Historic Inequities in Government Funding Programs Towards Native Americans with Contemporary Analysis, Nathaniel S. Snyder
Papers from 2023
The Gift That Never Stops Giving: A Comparison of US Aide and Reconstruction in Afghanistan, Post-War Europe, and Ukraine, John Chadwick Canty Jr.
Family First: Kinship Care as a Gold Standard, Ava Cloghessy
Uplifting an Invisible Population: How We Can Combine Psychology and Policy to Improve the Educational and Mental Health Outcomes of Homeless Youth, Melissa Hamilton
The Spectrum of Federal Funding's Impact: A Texas-Vermont Case Study, Nicholas Lupone
You Have the Right to Remain Uneducated: The Role of Lobbying in Subverting Anti-Racist Curricula, Liam Martin
Bridging the Gap: Understanding and Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in Deaf Communities, Catherine Pellini
Papers from 2022
For better or for worse? Impacts of Marriage Equality Policy on LGBTQ+ Mental Health, Mia Gajda
The United States Military’s Role in Maintaining National Security During the Height of the “War on Drugs”, Sara Terrien
The Sunflower Movement of 2014: How Commitment to Democratization Drives Activism in Taiwan, Katherine Ann Wagner
Papers from 2016
Resettling Syrian Refugees in the U.S.: Regional Stability and Saving Lives, Alexander Kochenburger