Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
This essay serves as an evaluation of challenges to the orthodox way of conceiving "mindreading" abilities by defending a 2006 claim by the author that those abilities involve basic and reenactive empathy .
Required Publisher's Statement
This article is originally from Joint Attention: New Developments in Psychology, Philosophy of Mind and Social Neuroscience, ed. by Axel Seemann, published by MIT Press in 2012, pp. 265 - 292. Reproduced with permission. Original version is available from the publisher at
Repository Citation
Steuber, Karsten R., "Social Cognition and the Allure of the Second-Person Perspective: In Defense of Empathy and Simulation." Joint Attention: New Developments in Psychology, Philosophy of Mind and Social Neuroscience, ed. by Axel Seemann, published by MIT Press in 2012, pp. 265 - 292.