Economics and Accounting Honors Theses

Date of Creation


Degree Type

Departmental Honors Thesis - Restricted Access

First Advisor

Professor Robert Baumann


In this paper I reconsider many of the effects found in “Examining the Effects of Subsidies on Adoption from Foster Care.” Federal and state governments provide monthly subsidies to adopted children that vary wildly by state. Using a least squares regression, the placement rate, defined as the number of children adopted over the number of children waiting for adoption, is regressed on median subsidies, state unemployment rate, and state and child demographics. Data is gathered from each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia for the years 2001 to 2015 then largely edited for inconsistencies. This time period covers the Great Recession, an event that had severe economic implications and is hypothesized to have implications on adoption from foster care as well. The purpose of this study is to add to the literature regarding the correlates to adoption from foster care, specifically as related to a state’s economy.
