50 Years of Coeducation at Holy Cross: Oral Histories of Women Lighting the Way
An Interview with Mary Ann Rettig-Zucchi
Document Type
Oral History
Mary Ann Rettig-Zucchi
Year of Graduation
Ruth Ann Ellis
29:03 minutes
An alumna from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts describes her student experience as a member of one of the early coeducational classes.
This interview was contributed as part of Lighting the Way: Fifty Years of Women at Holy Cross, a commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Coeducation at Holy Cross.
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Recommended Citation
Rettig-Zucchi, Mary Ann and Elias, Ruth Ann Corinha, "An Interview with Mary Ann Rettig-Zucchi" (2023). 50 Years of Coeducation at Holy Cross: Oral Histories of Women Lighting the Way. 20.