Publication Ethics Statement | The Purple | College of the Holy Cross

Publication Ethics Statement

Authors who submit to The Purple agree to the following:

The author retains copyright of the work. The author grants the College of the Holy Cross a non-exclusive license to print, publish, reproduce, and/or distribute the work in print and/or online, and to market the work. This means that the author gives the Journal permission to publish the work, but the author maintains ownership over the work and may grant additional non-exclusive licenses to others in the future. For example, after a work is published in The Purple, the author may revise it and submit it to another journal for consideration. The author agrees not to publish the submitted work in print or digital form prior to publication by The Purple. The author must accept full responsibility for the content of the work, including the reuse of copyrighted materials within the work that fall outside the realm of Fair Use. Please be aware that after an issue of The Purple is published, individual works cannot be revised or removed. Please note that search engines (such as Google and Google Scholar) will index works in The Purple and works will be findable on the open web now and in the future.

Submission Acknowledgement

Authors and artists acknowledge that by submitting to The Purple, unless otherwise notified, their works will appear in both print and online publication.