Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

Journal of Global Catholicism

ISSN 2475-6423

The Journal of Global Catholicism is an international, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal. Its purpose is to foster the understanding of diverse forms of lived Catholicism with attention to their significance for theoretical approaches in anthropology, history, sociology, media studies, psychology, theology, and philosophy.


The Journal of Global Catholicism and Catholic Re-Visions, a blog on, invites scholars from across disciplinary lines to consider the theological and political power of liturgy in different global contexts through a jointly published blog post (summer 2025) and journal article (winter 2026). This initiative aims to be both an interdisciplinary conversation about the practices of liturgy bringing together scholars of religion, theology, critical theory, anthropology, history, and sociology, among others, and an opportunity to explore different styles of writing directed at multiple publics. We welcome 250-word proposals by March 31, 2025, for consideration by the blog’s and journal’s editorial teams with a decision date of April 15, 2025. Learn more and submit your paper for review.

New England Classical Journal

ISSN 2692-5869

A publication of the Classical Association of New England, New England Classical Journal is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles, notes, and reviews on all aspects of classical antiquity. The journal welcomes contributions from those residing in any geographical area, and it aims to foster a process of peer-review that is timely and constructive.

With each issue of the journal that we publish here, our editorial team also releases podcasts on our channel New England Classical Journal Podcasts. This channel, which is available both on Apple Podcasts and on SoundCloud, features conversations about some of the exciting work and important issues related to the journal.

Novanglus: Journal of Humanities and Law

Welcome to Novanglus.

Novanglus is an undergraduate journal focused on research in the humanities and law. Published by the College of the Holy Cross in conjunction with the Pre-Law program, the mission of Novanglus is to display the intellectual rigor of humanities students at Holy Cross in a nonpartisan, professional environment. Contributors are encouraged to share and support all views insofar as they are respectful, well-researched, and grounded.

Of Life and History

Of Life and History is a student-run undergraduate history journal published annually at the College of the Holy Cross. The journal seeks to showcase a diverse range of exemplary historical scholarship conducted by Holy Cross students.

Parnassus: Classical Journal (Classics Department)

Parnassus is an undergraduate journal related to the study of the ancient world. Published by the College of the Holy Cross in conjunction with the Classics Department, the mission of Parnassus is to share the passion of Holy Cross students from all majors for the ancient world. All pieces aim to be generally understandable, allowing the field to be more accessible to non-specialists in the community.

Volumes 1-6 were published in slightly different format and may be found at this link:

The Criterion

The Criterion is designed to exhibit the top literary analysis work of the year from the English department at College of the Holy Cross.

The Griot

The Griot is a student literary journal presenting fiction, poetry,essays, photographs, and art work which validates and welcomes the voices of our Black students.

Contributions listed in a categroy marked "Restricted" are available only to members of the Holy Cross community. A login is required.

The Purple

The Purple is a literary magazine written, edited and published by Holy Cross students to provide a showcase for creative writing. The magazine is published once a year and is comprised of poetry, short stories, photographs and artwork.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.