Policies | Of Life and History: The Undergraduate History Journal of the College of the Holy Cross | College of the Holy Cross



Philosophy of Of Life and History

Of Life and History is a student-run undergraduate history journal published annually at the College of the Holy Cross. The journal seeks to showcase a diverse range of exemplary historical scholarship conducted by Holy Cross students. Of Life and History is committed to providing Holy Cross students with an experiential learning opportunity through participation in the scholarly process and encourages them to engage in critical dialogues about the meanings of the past.

Who Can Submit?

All current students at the College of the Holy Cross, including graduating seniors, may submit an original essay to be considered for publication in Of Life and History, provided they own the copyright to the work being submitted.

Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works. If authors include materials in their submissions which are copyrighted by others (such as photographs), permission must be obtained from the copyright holder of those materials prior to the publication.

If you have any questions about copyright, please contact us! We recognize that copyright can be complicated and want to work with you to make your work eligible for submission.

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General Submission Rules

We welcome primary-source-based research essays on all historical topics, geographic regions, and time periods. Individual submissions should be between 4,000 and 7,000 words in length (not including bibliography and footnotes).

Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in any journal or book (print or electronic). In addition, by submitting material to Of Life and History, the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at another journal (electronic or print) and that he or she will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of the editorial decision process at Of Life and History.

Please be aware that after an issue of Of Life and History is published, individual works may not be revised or removed. Also note that search engines (such as Google) will index works in Of Life and History, and works will be findable on the open web from their date of publication onwards.

If you have any questions or concerns about the submission terms for Of Life and History, please contact the editors.

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Formatting Requirements

All submissions to Of Life and History must be in Microsoft Word or RTF file format and conform to Chicago Manual of Style guidelines. The manuscript file should NOT contain the author’s name in any form. Additionally, we would prefer if you submit your manuscript in Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced font used for the body of the essay, and size 10, single-spaced font used for footnotes.

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Rights for Authors and CrossWorks

As further described in the Submission Agreement, in consideration of Of Life and History's agreement to publish the work, the author grants and assigns to the publisher the non-exclusive right to print, publish, reproduce, or distribute the work throughout the world in all means of expression by any method now known or hereafter developed, including electronic format, and to market the work or any part of it as it sees fit. Copyright of the work remains with the author.

Personal-use Exceptions for Authors

The following uses are always permitted to the author(s) and do not require further permission from CrossWorks provided the author does not alter the format or content of the articles, including the copyright notification:

  • Storage and back-up of the article on the author's computer(s) and digital media (e.g., diskettes, back-up servers, Zip disks, etc.), provided that the article stored on these computers and media is not readily accessible by persons other than the author(s);
  • Posting of the article on the author(s) personal website, provided that the website is non-commercial;
  • Posting of the article on the internet as part of a non-commercial open access institutional repository or other non-commercial open access publication site affiliated with the author(s)'s place of employment (e.g., a Phrenology professor at the University of Southern North Dakota can have her article appear in the University of Southern North Dakota's Department of Phrenology online publication series); and
  • Posting of the article on a non-commercial course website for a course being taught by the author at the university or college employing the author.

People seeking an exception, or who have questions about use, should contact the editors.

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Attribution and Usage Policies

Reproduction, posting, transmission or other distribution or use of the article or any material therein, in any medium as permitted by a personal-use exemption, requires credit to the author(s). A recommended citation for attribution of credit is provided on each article cover page.

General Terms and Conditions of Use

Users of the CrossWorks website and/or software agree not to misuse the CrossWorks service or software in any way.

The failure of CrossWorks to exercise or enforce any right or provision in the policies or the Submission Agreement does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any term of the Submission Agreement or these policies is found to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Submission Agreement and these policies remain in full force and effect. These policies and the Submission Agreement constitute the entire agreement between CrossWorks and the Author(s) regarding submission of the Article.

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