The Luminosity of Love
We long to love and to be loved. We also fear love because we risk betrayal by those we love, or we betray them. Predrag Cicovacki's charming book, Luminosity of Love, uses the extraordinary love story of the great unconventional Serbian poet Laza Kostić and the vivacious aristocratic young woman, Lenka Dundjerski, as a starting point for a wide-ranging discussion of the nature of love, its importance in the Western philosophical tradition, and its relevance for living a meaningful life in our high-tech materialistic world of the 21st century. By combining real love stories and philosophical reflections on them, the author focuses on the moments of betrayal that bring us to a crossroads at which point we may choose to retreat from loving, and instead satisfy ourselves with substitutes for love. Alternatively, we may realize that our fear and sense of betrayal need not get the last word when it comes to love, and that we can aspire to transform ourselves into more caring and radiating personalities. Our struggle to realize this aspiration is a love story--the ultimate love story that should concern us. This book is a superb philosophical essay about the transformative power of love.
ISBN-13: 9781936773442; ISBN-10: 1936773449
Publication Date
Sebastian Press / Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Alhambta, California
Kostić; Laza; 1841-1910.Kostić; Laza; 1841-1910. Santa Maria della salute.Dunđerski; Jelena; 1869-1895.Love.Love -- Philosophical aspects.Love -- Psychological aspects.
Repository Citation
Cicovacki, Predrag, "The Luminosity of Love" (2018). Holy Cross Bookshelf. 8.