Volume 3, Issue 1 (2019) Pilgrimage Palimpsests: Storytelling and Intersubjectivity Across Multiple Shrines, Sites, and Routes
On the Productivity of Pilgrimage Palimpsests: Traces and Translocations in an Expanding Field
Simon Coleman
Editors' Introduction
Marc Roscoe Loustau and Kate DeConinck
"This is a glimpse of Paradise": Encountering Lourdes Through Serial and Multisited Pilgrimage
Michael Agnew
In Pursuit of Healing and Memories: Cross-Border Ukrainian Pilgrimage to a Polish Shrine
Iuliia Buyskykh

- Executive Editors
- Mathew N. Schmalz
- Marc Roscoe Loustau
- Issue Editors
- Marc Roscoe Loustau
- Kate DeConinck
- Assistant Editor/Publication Design
- Danielle Kane