
Présence Francophone: Revue internationale de langue et de littérature


In Maryse Condé’s Windward Heights, the female characters bear the same first and last names, and act in the same way as, their counterparts in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. It would seem relevant, therefore, to ask about the dialectics of naming and identity set out in Windward Heights, and what this might mean for Caribbean identity. Is naming the only thing that gives Condé’s characters their identity? Or are they mirror-image projections of Brontë’s characters. Answering these questions, we may be able to determine how Condé’s work, as a new creation, establishes its own identity and whether its meaning is immanent within it. This essay also sets out to determine the implications, meaning and intentions of Condé’s conscious decision to transform a European literary monument into a Caribbean one.



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