Présence Francophone: Revue internationale de langue et de littérature
An analysis of the female characters in this collection of short stories reveals two contradictory images of Woman: on the one hand, the discreet presence of Woman as an oppressed being, subjugated by Islamic dogma and, on the other, the much more salient emancipated woman who transgresses canonical principles. Hence, the appearance of two kinds of couples, both of which are shown to be the site of power struggles that ultimately veer towards a masters/ ave relationship. Pledged to defeat, love is thus presented as no more than a utopic quest.
Recommended Citation
Soler, Ana
"Le portrait sociologique de la femme benjellounienne dans Le premier amour est toujours le dernier,"
Présence Francophone: Revue internationale de langue et de littérature: Vol. 55:
1, Article 9.
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