The Griot is a student literary journal presenting fiction, poetry,essays, photographs, and art work which validates and welcomes the voices of our Black students.
Contributions listed in a categroy marked "Restricted" are available only to members of the Holy Cross community. A login is required.
Current Volume: Volume 2 (1999)
Editor's Note
Once again we welcome you to another edition of The Griot. As a staff we open an invitation to the culture of Black literary and artistic expression. This magazine is built from the collective experience from students of color at Holy Cross.
In this second edition we hope to bring you closer to our history; closer to our voice as we reveal some of the soulfullness that is a part of our very history; our bodies, our mind, and our music.
When I was asked by Judithe Andre to take over the journal I did not think that it was going to turn out as successful as the original. Much of the inaugural executive board had graduated and myself having an unpredictable schedule, did not think I could give enough attention to it. But with the hard work and dedication of the editing staff and the contributions of the students, who are the real heart of the journal, we are once again able to open our discussion to you. The Griot, is a culmination of images portraying the successes, struggles, thoughts and feelings of our community as it is presented to the Holy Cross community.
I thank primarily God, for giving me health and inspiration to finish the project, my executive board staff, my (always too busy) business manager, Professor Bertram Ashe, and all of those groups who supported the idea and contributed to its maintenance. Once again I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this project. I am forever grateful. I hope that this work will present an alternative view to the mainstream thought that is present at Holy Cross. I hope you will take delight in the dialogue that we present to you with so much pride, and understand the perspective from which each work is derived.
Complete Issue - Restricted
Unseen Power
Bryon Williams
I'm Comin' Daddy
Bryon Williams
Shaun Waters
Eyes to the Street
Myron Macauley
Urban Survival
Shaun Waters
In the Black Forest
Shaun Waters
Poetry - Restricted
Prelude/To My Friend Above
Paul Daniel
My Unique Crystal
Guled Adam
One Bird to Another
Guled Adam
Believe in the Fallacy of Education
Kendrah Davis
Untitled I
Ellison Martinez
The Impetus of My Reciprocity
Kendrah Davis
Untitled II
D. W.
Essay - Restricted
Reflecting Upon...
Stefani Bell
Photographs - Restricted
Tommy Upshaw
The Griot's Throne
Tommy Upshaw
Looking Down the Road
Tommy Upshaw