2024 (2024) The Criterion
The Criterion is a journal open to all English students and published during the spring semester of each academic year. This year, we are excited to feature a wide range of essays, such as papers which consider the thought process of demons in Milton’s Paradise Lost, analyze the role of language in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series, and examine the depiction of disabilities in multiple texts, among others. The editorial board is staffed by English students who are members of the Nu Chi chapter of the Sigma Tau Delta honor society. This edition of The Criterion presents papers written during Spring and Fall 2023. We’re also continuing last year’s new policy of including submissions written in any literature course, including English and Studies in World Literatures. As with most endeavors, publishing this journal would have been impossible without the help of many people. In particular, we extend our wholehearted thanks to Professor Hayley Stefan for her constant support, guidance, and enthusiasm; as well as Lisa Villa of Dinand Library, for all her earnest counsel and assistance in uploading the journal onto CrossWorks. We also thank all the professors of the English Department, who not only continually foster an environment of excellence and academic inquiry, but who encouraged students to submit their essays to The Criterion as well. We are grateful for Elise Saad, who advertised the publication within the department. We especially offer our appreciation to all the students who submitted exceptional work this year.
Complete Issue
Milton’s Exploration of the Demonic Consciousness
Niall McKenna
Eliot’s Raid on the Ineffable
Louie Alexandris
Moving “Passed” Life for Death
Gwyneth Morrissey

Matthew Nickerson '24
Anna Lee '24
Isabella Bokan '24
Editorial Board
Louie Alexandris '24
Abigail Coburn '24
Niall McKenna '25
Julianna Mariani '24
Elizabeth Mahoney '24
Rhiannon Richmond '24
Diane McDonough '24
Professor Hayley Stefan