2023 (2023)
The Criterion is a small journal, open to all English majors and published during the spring semester of each Academic year. This year, we are excited to feature a wide range of essays. This edition of The Criterion presents papers written during Spring 2022 and Fall 2023. This year, we also opened submissions up to any student in any literature course, including English and Studies in World Literatures. The editorial board is staffed by English students who are members of the Nu Chi chapter of the Sigma Tau Delta honor society. We extend our thanks not only to this year’s editorial board but to those who staffed the journal last year. But, as with most endeavors, publishing this journal would have been impossible without the help of many people. In particular, we extend our thanks to Professor Reed and Professor Stefan for ensuring that the journal continued this year. We also thank all the professors of the English Department, who not only continually foster an environment of excellence and academic inquiry, but who encourage students to submit their essays to The Criterion as well. Their tireless guidance and support ensured that English students could produce works of quality, which consequently made the process of selecting entries such a hard task. We are grateful for Elise Saad, who advertised the publication within the department. We extend our thanks to all the students who submitted work this year, without whom, this journal would not exist. Finally, we thank Lisa Villa of Dinand Library for all her help in uploading the journal onto CrossWorks, allowing the journal to be published online.
Complete Issue
The (Ir)Reverent Social Roles of Religion in the Work of James and Wharton
Jannette Kazlauskas
Bawdy Works: Vulgar Humor and Bodily Autonomy in Austen's "Mansfield Park" and Fielding's "The History of Tom Jones"
Sloane Larsen
Tension in the Eye: Milton and Surveillance
Joseph Abrams
Fated by a Fallen World
Danielle Dentremont
Enigmatic Nashe and The Subversion Of Romance
Louie Alexandris
Ownership is Power
Madeleine Moino
The Exile Enigma and The Cycle of Haunting
Caroline Boardman
Awareness in Thomas Hardy's "The Darkling Thrush"
Caroline Coffey

Grant Ward '23, College of the Holy Cross
Sloane Larson '23, College of the Holy Cross
William Muller '23, College of the Holy Cross
Editorial Board
Christian Barkman '23, College of the Holy Cross
Matthew Nickerson '24, College of the Holy Cross
Rhiannon Richmond '24, College of the Holy Cross
Caroline Sullivan '23, College of the Holy Cross