Holy Cross Magazine



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In this issue:

Swimming Beyond Fear
Laurie Craigen ’99 turned to open water swimming because it frightened her, and it led her to waves — physical and otherwise — she never expected.
Feature and English Channel Photography by Elaine K. Howley
Photography by Michael Ivins

‘Warmth My Heart and Light My Mind’
Inside the familiar places and hidden spaces of Dinand Library.
Feature by Meredith Fidrocki with Archives & Distinctive Collections
Photography by Michael Ivins

Discernment 101
Part one: What it is, what it is not, and one key aspect that may surprise.
Reflection by Rev. Keith Maczkiewicz, S.J.

Meet Dr. No
Economics Professor Victor Matheson, Ph.D., sets you straight on winning the lottery, the real cost of major sporting events and if there’s such a thing as a safe bet.
Feature by Marybeth Reilly-McGreen ’89
Photography by Michael Ivins

‘Talent is Everywhere, Opportunity is Not’
The Holy Cross-QuestBridge scholarship program partnership closes the opportunity gap for high-achieving, low-income students.
Story by Veer Mudambi
Photography by Michael Ivins

Inside ENGL 399: The Tortured Poets Department
The new course introduces students to 18th- and 19th-century lyric poetry through the music of Taylor Swift, Eminem and other popular songwriters.
Syllabus by Marybeth Reilly-McGreen ’89
Photography by Michael Ivins

Women’s basketball at the collegiate and professional levels is coming off an unprecedented year of success, with an eye on an even-brighter future. Holy Cross women’s basketball alumnae look back and note, “It’s about time.”
Feature by Michael Bonner

How St. Ignatius’ Approach to Change Can Aid You Today
While he lived more than 500 years ago, how Ignatius responded to everyday challenges can help us navigate modern life.
Reflection by Rev. Andrew J. Garavel, S.J.
Illustration by Jeff Sweet


  • Where in The Hill is This?
  • Around The Hill
  • In Memoriam
  • Can We Ask You Some Questions, Mary Kate Moran ’17?

Publication Date

Winter 1-15-2025


College of the Holy Cross




Alumni, campus news, Laurie Craigen ’99, Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming, Dinand Library, discernment, Victor Matheson, lottery, QuestBridge, Tortured Poets Department, Taylor Swift, Holy Cross women’s basketball, St. Ignatius, CDC disease detective






Copyright ©2025 by College of the Holy Cross. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed in Holy Cross Magazine are those of the individual authors and subjects and do not necessarily reflect the views of the College administration, faculty, staff or students. No portion of this magazine may be reprinted without the express written consent of the editor.

Holy Cross Magazine, Vol. 59, No. 1, Winter 2025



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