College Honors Program

Date of Creation


Document Type


First Advisor

Neel Smith


The marble stones which serve as the primary evidence of the Athenian Tribute Quota Lists are difficult to work with because they are so fragmentary, and because their contents are multidimensional. A newly conceived digital edition addresses issues inherent in the print medium, which has long served as the basis for scholarship on the lists. This paper is meant as a guide to understanding the Athenian Tribute Quota Lists, the principles I have defined for work on this edition, and a guide to the future study of Athenian imperial tribute.

I have created a diplomatic edition which incorporates original photography of the inscriptions (taken at the Epigraphic Museum in Athens); an archive of TEI-conformant XML editions; code for viewing and working with the archival material in a web interface; and a virtual machine that runs the servlet interface using Virtual Box Virtual Box and Vagrant


This paper is one part of a larger project conducted through the Mellon Summer Research Program and the College Honors Program at the College of the Holy Cross.
